Hey, It's Berat 🤙🏼

frontend developer • blogging • shutterbug

I'm working as a frontend developer at OSF Digital. I was 12 years old when I started to learn how to code. I have more than 4 years of professional experience. I'm also interested in photography and blogging.

I like to write about technic and personal stuff on my blog. Sharing my experiences in the frontend world, the excitement of discovering new technologies and the project development processes are an important passion for me. I'm fan of #buildinpublic

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I enjoy developing indie projects in my free time. I aim for passive income and make it a mission to share all these experiences with new projects through #buildinpublic

It's very big pleasure for me to take a photo of every moment if it is excelent. I'm always behind the camera to capture every moment, freeze the beauties and special moments forever.

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It's always important being in contact. We can keep in touch by subscribing to my email list or following me on social media accounts. Please don't be hestiate write to me. Also you can donate to support me.